2012世界印地語日 北市圖熱鬧舉行~
World Hindi Day to be celebrated in Taipei, Taiwan!


In cooperation with Taipei Public Library, India-Taipei Association will present you a series of Hindi programs on Saturday, February 4 at Taipei Public Library. Come and have fun at the end of your winter vacation!

Time: 10:00~16:30

Date: Saturday, February 4, 2012

Venue: 10F Conference Hall in the morning; 9F Multi-cultural Centre in the afternoon

Registration: 02-2755-2823 ext. 2900 (9F, Multi-cultural Centre, Taipei Public Library)


Hindi Song Learning

Have you been touched by the screen in the movie “3 idiots” when Raju jumped off the window of Chief’s office because he faced the dilemma of saving himself and his family or his best friend who had saved his dad? The path to recovery was long, but never beat Rancho and Farhan. Now, Ms. Sharayu Kirkole the Indian classical music singer will teach you to sing “Jaane Nahin Denge Tujhethe song of friendship and treasurable lives which was sung during Raju’s coma!


3 Idiots Movie Screening

Bring all of your best friends and enjoy the film of friendship and school life! Whether you have left school, the best ever office box movie will definitely arouse your passion toward life and truth of knowledge again!

During the screening, tasty Indian snacks, Masala Tea and Samosas will serve your stomach. After the screening, all participants who register for the event in advance will have the chance to join lucky draw and win Indian snacks, travel bags, Pashmina shawl and laptop bags home.


More Hindi and Indian books, music, film DVDs in Taiwan!

India-Taipei Association is donating Hindi and Indian books, music albums, and movie dvds to Taipei Public Library for more India lovers! If you are interested in Indian culture, do not hesitate to borrow one from the library. The donated books will be exhibited at the library for one month and are welcome your visitation. We will present you the diverse India from aspects of culture, literature, history, tourism, and children literature.


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